While developing Competency Models for my groups, one of the popular performance analysis tools that I have come across is the Can Do/Will Do Evaluation chart that Kenneth Carlton Cooper has described in his book, Effective Competency Modeling and Reporting: A Step-by-Step Guide for Improving Individual and Organizational Performance. Below is a representation of the same.
Here “Can do” refers to employee’s qualification to do the job and “Will do” refers to employee’s motivation to perform. The results are four alternatives:
- Can Do/Will Do - Ideal Situation. The employee is fully qualified and doing the job as desired. The Manager should motivate and incentivize the employee suitably.
- Can't Do/Will Do - In this case, employee is willing to put in the efforts but is ill equipped skill wise to do the job. This suggests a competency gap and Training will help in this case.
- Can Do/Won't Do - In this case, employee has all required competencies to complete the job but still is not performing the job as desired. This shows a Motivational problem and counseling will help in this case.
- Can't Do/Won't Do - In this case, the employee is lacking in both skills and motivation. Employer needs to weigh the options of counseling the employee versus the success of such counseling. The result could be Job in Jeopardy situation. As Kenneth Cooper notes in his book, Attitudes cannot be developed, only counseled.
It is interesting to note that Can Do/Can't Do dimension of this model is competency based while Will Do/Won't Do is not since it involves dealing with motivational attitude.