Guess Politicians are the same everywhere. I have every reason to say, this is India 2012-2015 when our own politicians will hopefully have Facebook profiles :).
Now Social Networking sites need to worry not just about competition but THE Establishment too.
Maryland General Assembly Blocks Facebook, MySpace
"With the beginning of the 2009 Legislative Session, we have observed a significant increase in viruses and malware affecting the Maryland General Assembly computers," the Office of Legislative Information Systems Director Michael Gaudiello wrote to staff on Thursday, according to Legum's New Line. "After several weeks of analysis, we have determined that many of the infecting programs are originating from pages hosted on and"
That's not all. The IT department intends to continue its investigation and ban other sites determined to be "problematic."
Has Gaudiello ever heard of anti-virus software? Banning Facebook and MySpace clearly doesn't solve the problem of viruses, as many, many sites can install malware. And, clearly, many lawmakers find social networking sites useful for spreading messages to the people they represent.