Now this is <<expletive>> cool. Google knows how to get the props from the Geeks and Semi-Geeks (like me).
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool
Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say:$ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more.GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.For example:$ google blogger post --blog "My blog" --tags "python, googlecl, development" my_post.html
$ google calendar add "Lunch with Jason tomorrow at noon"
$ google docs edit --title "Shopping list" --editor vimGoogleCL is a pure Python application that uses the Python gdata libraries to make Google Data API calls from the command line.